Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Two titles: One if you can watch Pg 13 and two THANK YOU BLOG FAIRY!!

Ok so if you  DO believe in Santa and the Tooth fairy please skip down untill Santa say's ok...OK??
All right so there is one fairy that is real! And that ONE fairy is the blogger fairy and I am
related to her!! OMG!! She helped make my blog look...look...look...look like some blog fairy came bye :p!!!!!
 Seccondly; I broke the ice on my dad...He has thought for...mmm about 10 years that I believe in santa...So I played along but this year I...ME...BETH...THE CHILD...broke the ice about santa....
   I am going to be right up and honest with my kids:
ME: No kids santa isnt real...
THEM: But all the other kids say so....
ME: for now lets call Daddy Santa? Ok?
THEM: Do we still get presents?
THEM: Ok!! our secert!
ME: Great! Now go have fun out in the snow!!

See, parents tell their kids not to lie and blah blah blah...right??
Well I think if you don't want them to lie then the Parents shouldn't lie about Santa or the Easter bunny or The tooth Fairy ;-).... I mean Parents need to set good examples RIGHT? WELL THEN TELL THE damn

"ok! little kids! you can read now!! HO HO HO!!"
But I would really like to say thanks to the blog fairy who made my blog look BLOG like!!
Thanks Mom!!

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